Funded Research


CSEPP has received funding for work on the following grants:

NSF REU SITE: Interfacing Sustainable Energy and Materials, 2015-18

Supplement to NSF SES “Becoming the Online Resource Center for Ethics Education in Engineering and Science” (with the National Academy of Engineering, PI R. Hollander), 2014-2019

NSF IGERT Systems Biology in Engineered Environments, 2012-17

USDA/NIFA International Science and Education “Agriculture’s Global Challenges: Food Security, Bioenergy, and Biodiversity–Building Educational and Research Partnerships with Brazil,” 2011-14,

NSF OISE International Workshop on Environmental Nanotechnology & Ethics, 2011,

NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grants (2), 2007-2013,

NSF Nanoscale Undergraduate Education for Alternative Energy Grant, 2009-2012,

Delaware Humanities Forum Grant, 2009, Principal Investigator,

American Philosophical Association Conference Grant for “The Ethics of Climate Change” 2009, Principal Investigator, with Fred Schueler

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates, “Nature InSpired Engineering” University of Delaware, 2009-2012, Faculty Personnel

UD Graduate Improvement and Innovation Grant, RAISE-2, 2008-2009, Principal Investigator

NSF EESE “RAISE: Research And Integrity in Science and Engineering” 2007-2009, Principal Investigator

NSF New England Workshop on Science and Social Change “Collaborative Generation of Environmental Knowledge and Inquiry” Woods Hole, Mass., April 2007, Participant


International Association for Computing and Philosophy-Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry Joint Conference, University of Delaware, June 2015

World Congress on Research Integrity, Symposium on Research Misconduct: Conceptions and Policy Solutions, Rio de Janeiro, June 2015

Joint International Workshop on Nanotechnology: Policy, Ethics and Science. Islamabad, Pakistan (co-organizer) March 2013

AAAS/APA Workshop on Science and Human Rights, University of Delaware, June 2012

ISESCO-COMSATS-NSF Int’l Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanoethics, Lahore, Pakistan (organizing committee) December 2011

Philosophical Collaboration: Theoretical and Practical Considerations, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego CA, April 2011

Ethics in Nanoscience Workshop (co-organizer with Ismat Shah), University of Delaware April 2011

The Ethics of Climate Change: Intergenerational Justice and the Global Challenge (with Fred Schueler), University of Delaware/American Philosophical Association, October 2009

Environmental Nanoparticles: Science, Ethics, and Policy (with Don Sparks), University of Delaware, November 2008

Environment, Energy, Ethics: Science and Responsibility for the 21