Curriculum Development Grants

The Center for Science Ethics and Public Policy (, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences, announces a grant competition to promote integration of considerations of science, ethics, and policy into undergraduate and graduate instruction at UD. Faculty of all ranks, colleges, and departments are invited to apply. The Center plans to make several awards of up to $3,000 for each winning project to support curricular development work during summer 2017.

The goal of this program is to support the development of new modules for existing or planned courses, where the modules introduce or explore ethical, policy, legal, or social aspects of science, engineering, or technology. It is expected that faculty proposals will adapt these themes to the specific learning goals of their courses. For examples of past awards see,

Proposals should state the planned additions or changes to the course and outline the pedagogical rationale. Proposals are limited to one page. For existing courses, the current syllabus should be attached.

The deadline for applications is Friday March 31, 2017. Awards will be announced in mid April.

Invitation to Information Session and Roundtable

Monday March 13, 12:30 to 1:20pm (lunch provided)

There will be an information session & informal roundtable discussion of strategies and resources for integration of ethics and policy into the STEM curriculum. Past awardees will share their experiences and there will be an opportunity to ask questions about this grant.

Space is limited, so please RSVP if you plan to attend the roundtable.

To RSVP, for further information, or to apply, please email:

Mark Greene –